
SEO Coffee Mugs that are Actually Funny

Have you ever wondered why most SEOs or digital marketers make such boring merch? I do. All the time. I know the SEO industry has some fascinating characters & personalities but I’ve always been disappointed with the lack of merch/swag that is available. It’s always the same regurgitated content (pun intended). In fact, this is why I got inspired into starting my own mug brand. Enter: “Pretty Muggly“.

10 Reasons Why Your Business Needs SEO as a Marketing Strategy

Search engines like Google are designed to rummage through billions of online content and then provide you with the top results they consider the answer(s) to any search query. This is mainly what Search Engine Optimization entails; when your business appears on the first page of search results, it will significantly help increase your total visibility and drive additional traffic to your website, for free! SEO is the most suitable and affordable marketing campaign to ramp up brand awareness, ROI, and expand your customer base.

The Most Effective eCommerce SEO Tips

Ecommerce businesses of all sizes need to focus on Search Engine Optimization (SEO), but it’s especially important if you have a limited marketing budget since it can multiply your time investment. Optimize your store with these effective eCommerce SEO tips to maximize your visibility in search engines & improve the rate at which your visitors turn into customers.

How to Support Small Businesses for Free

One of the coolest changes in the last few years is seeing friends and family dedicate a lot of their time to freelancing or creating their own business. I could visualize their imagination & creativity running wild by the conversations we were having. Yes, things have been rough since the COVID pandemic started, but it has been awesome to see others spend their mental energy doing things they genuinely enjoy and make extra cash.

I Got in a Sensory Deprivation Tank to Start 2022

To be honest I can’t really remember when I first heard about sensory deprivation tanks but in the last year, I have had a very strong desire to try it out. It was quite an interesting experience, to say the least. Not only is it super helpful for myself to mentally process by writing things down, but I also want to share my experience with those that are curious. I honestly think everyone should try it, especially since the world we live in overloads our senses and demands our attention in real-time.

Best Livestreams Since Pandemic Started

I think we can all agree that music has gotten us through some incredibly difficult times, this may have been the ultimate truth since the COVID-19 pandemic started. Music heals.

Even though live music events came to an abrupt halt, the electronic music industry has found ways to adapt and deliver hope to millions across the world. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but my personal favorite DJ sets since the pandemic began that I just can’t get enough of.

A Pale Blue Dot + Huge Gallery of Cool Space Shots

My favorite piece of art is a framed Pale Blue Dot, it hits differently this decade.

I welcome you to listen to Carl Sagan’s The Pale Blue Dot as he describes Voyager 1 image of the Earth during Valentine’s Day of 1990, 4 billion miles away. I added The Pale Blue Dot image below, along with the transcription of his famous quote.

The image gallery contains unbelievable photographs, including Perseverance!